Wedding Day in Östersund

Östersund is the only city in Jämtland County, and the fourth largest city in Norrland after Umeå, Gävle and Sundsvall. Originally, the area was populated by Norwegians, but it has been Swedish since 1645. The town was founded by King Gustav III in 1786. One reason was military strategy. As Sweden now was no longer an imperium, it could be useful to have a fortified city up north, in Jämtland. The most important reason, however, was the desire for stronger control over the trade. The creation of a city in Jämtland was supposed to increase the supply of goods to Sweden’s east coast, which had been short of supplies for a long time. In addition, it was said that the Jämts spent so much time on long trade journeys (to Norway) that they neglected their farms. Not good!

Östersund. Trade is still a very important business.

The Jämts ran an extensive and profitable trade, and they did not think it was a good idea that the state should channel all trade to the new city. The expression ‘bällt du luur’n‘ (did you manage to trick him) is supposed to come from the Jämt’s inveterate struggle to avoid paying customs duties on goods imported from Norway. The result was that Östersund remained a small town for a long time, while the village from the Viking Age at Frösön, retained its place as the county’s largest settlement.

There was no significant population growth until the arrival of the railway in 1879, but from then on, Östersund has had the role of not only beeing Jämtland’s Centrum, but also Sweden’s (geographical) centre. The name comes from the location by Frösön’s eastern strait.

Stortorget (The Large Square).

In 1993 (after our wedding in the Student Society’s Big Hall in Trondheim), we went to Östersund for our honeymoon. We thought it was great! From a tip at the hotel, we went to the fondue restaurant ‘En Liten Röd’ to celebrate the following day. Of course, we had to repeat the operation 30 years later, in 2023. No doubt.

En Liten Röd (A Small Red).

It is a little risky, though, stepping down old tracks. In the meantime, we have introduced our own fondue dinner at home – just as we remembered it in 1993. But is it really the same? We have tried several times to copy dishes from restaurants we have visited – and when we return, we have often been disappointed! After all, we adapt the dishes to the way we like the food best.

There shall be red wine fondue on the wedding day.

But Yes! It was good to be back again! Different from our home fondue, but very, very good. NB! If you even consider making red wine fondue yourself, you MUST mix oil and red wine BEFORE you start heating. We know someone who threw a glass of red wine into the oil while it was heating up, and that was certainly not a good idea. The newly washed kitchen – ready for Christmas Eve – suddenly covered with oil and red wine. NOT recommended.

Tobatheornottobathe wedding day bath. Frösön in the background.

On the wedding day, a warm SPA bath is just right after the red wine fondue. Hot bath (over 42 degrees celcius!) outdoors in minus 10 degrees Celsius, that’s splendid! And the unique Östersund Palm Tree seems to be doing quite well, despite being completely covered by ice.

Plastic Phantastic Östersund’s Palm.

New Years Bath at Frösö

Frösön (Frøy’s island) in Storsjön (The big sea) was the center of Jämtland for about 1,000 years, from the 8th century to 1879. It was here people met in ancient times for trading and to join the Norse cult. The Jämtland’s parliament, Jamtamót, was held at Byneset, on the east side of Frösö. It is unique in the Nordic countries to call the parliament ‘Mót’ instead of ‘Thing’. The word mót comes from Gothic, and is also used in Great Britain (eg Witenagemot). In Christian times, Jamtamót was held the week after the Gregorian Mass (March 12th). It had both judicial, legislative and administrative functions. The old tradition of a winter market has been taken up again since 1986, under the name Gregoriemarknaden.

Badhusparken in Östersund. The statue ‘Father and son’ by Olof Ahlberg. Frösön in the background. A straight line from the statue through the middle pillar of the bridge ends in Surfbukta, which is mentioned later in this article.

From Frösön, Åsbjørn Gudfastsson built a bridge over to the mainland (current Östersund city) around the year 1050. This happened in connection with the Christianization of Jämtland. The events were marked with the carving of a rune stone, the so-called Frösöstenen.

The Frösö stone by Hornsbergkyrkjan (the Hornsberg church), east Frösö.

A large cross and a snake-like ribbon (Midgardsormen? Storsjödjuret?) are engraved on the stone. This was a turning point, at the transition between paganism and Christianity. The text in English is this:

Östman, Gudfast’s son, had this stone raised and this bridge built, and he had Jämtland Christianized. Åsbjörn made the bridge. Tryn and Sten carved these runes.

The Frösö stone is Sweden’s northernmost rune stone, and the only one that mentions the Christianization of an entire region –  Jämtland. This is the first time Jämtland is mentioned in writing as a specific area. The Frösö stone has never been a tombstone. The stone has been moved 100 meters from its original location to make space for today’s road with the Frösö bridge over to Östersund.

Frösöstenen. Östersund in the background.

South-west of Frösö bridge you can find Surfbukta (the Surf Bay). Here you can take a winter bath! Today’s tip: Join the FB group ‘Vinterbad Östersund’, to arrange swimming together with others. NB: Do not bathe alone! We in Tobatheornottobathe are already 2 people, so all we needed was the tip where to find the hole in the ice. And we got what we needed.

Knut found the hole in the ice.

The first day of the year 2023 was quite cold (-10 degrees Celcius), but we had woolen clothes and swimwear ready, so this would be very easy, we thought. Only to discover that Knut’s wool trousers were in the hotel room, and Idun’s wool socks in the car. And none of us did bring wet gloves or extra mittens for the bath. It got cold! But great! And a little scary to go up again, since we could feel that more than a few seconds grip with wet hands on the metal rails and the hands would have been stuck there until spring!

Not very easy to get clear pictures of the tobatheornottobathe bath in the dark.

Anyway – a New Years’ bath at Frösö was just right!

Happy New Year from Jämtland

When you see the flat, slightly hilly landscape by Storsjöen east of Trøndelag, it is easy to imagine that the word ‘flat’ is the origin of the name Jämtland (Swedish “Jamt” means something like “continuous, repeating”).

Smooth and flat landscape in Jämtland. The picture was taken from the observation tower on Frösö.

But no. The area was populated from the west (Trøndelag) 6-7,000 years ago, primarily for hunting. Towards the end of the 8th century, a wave of Norwegian settlers arrived: runaways from the Norwegian King Harald Hair Fair’s harsh rule. Snorri Sturlasson mentions in ‘Håkon the Good’s saga’ a man called Ketil Jemte, who founded a settlement in Jämtland. The nickname ‘Jemte’ comes from the Old Germanic ’emat’, which means diligent/hardworking/persevering.

Kjetil Jemte, son of earl Ånund from Sparabu (in Trøndelag), went east across the mountains, with a large herd and had his cattle with him. They cleared forests and built settlements there; it was then called Jemtland. (ISBN Volume I: 82-445-0068-9)

From the 8th century until ‘the Jämts’ lost their freedom to the Norwegian King Sverre (in the Battle of Storsjöns ice, year 1178), the Jämts had their own parliament, Jamtamot. They were in an intermediate position between the Norwegian king and the Swedish king. The assembly was held every year on Frösö (the Norse god Frøy’s island, in Storsjön (the Big Lake)). A number of archeological founds have been made on the island, especially a lot of bones at Frösö church. These suggest that the church site is actually an old pagan court, where they offered animals to the Norse gods.

Frösö church from the 13th century, with the bell tower from 1754.

Frösö was the center of Jämtland for 1000 years. It wasn’t until 1879, when the railway (Mellanriksbanan) reached Frösön’s eastern strait, that Östersund (literally: the Eastern Strait) took over the role.

With a recent corona infection (Cov-Idun) and a bad back (Prolapse-Knut), it was a downscaled New Year’s celebration 2022/23. We chose Jämtland’s old center – Frösö! With SPA. This was a good solution for both her (with a weak voice) and him (with back pain). There were cold and warm baths, saunas with or without steam and in general a nice place to be.

A hot outdoor bath on New Year’s Eve was really just right.

Some extensive dansing after midnight may have ruined some of the back relaxation effect, but it was very fun!

Happy New Year from Tobatheornottobathe!

Christmas at Persaunet

Hurray! Finally Christmas! The children were home again and Christmas holidays had almost started. THEN corona revision 2 struck, and Idun fell to the ground, voiceless. Or, no, it’s not called ‘the ground’ but ‘the sofa’.

Idun tried to lift the mood with an ugly christmas dress, but it didn’t help much. Photo: Une Hunstad Løwø

Christmas Bath 2022 became a split session, where the corona patient and the French delegation dropped any cold baths. U1 and Knut, on the other hand, went to Sjøbadet to swim at the great facilities there.


But no sauna, we missed that because of the tradition of Cinderella movie watching. And the 24th of December was a fabulous day to take a walk in Trondheim.

Splendid view in Trondheim.

Once at home, Knut just had to get bathing again. CovIdun also wanted a Christmas bath!

Hot Tobatheornottobathe Bath 2022.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Tobatheornottobathe!

Hot Pot Persaunet.


From Aker Brygge you get to Tjuvholmen (the Thief Islet) via a footbridge.

Footbridge to Tjuvholmen. If you are driving, the road goes under ground.

Tjuvholmen was originally a long, narrow headland. Thieves used to be executed here in old times (court documents have been preserved), hence the name. The headland was later converted into a quay, but the really big development took place between 2005 and 2014. Tjuvholmen today consists of 3 parts: Odden (the Headland), which is landlocked, Holmen (the Islet) and Skjæret (the Reef). The area consists of many apartment blocks, offices, a hotel, restaurants, shops, an art museum and several galleries. In total, we are talking about 950 apartments and 1,500 workplaces.

The Astrup Fearnley Museum at Skjæret.

Some upgrading has taken place since the area consisted of warehouses and quays. When the last apartments were sold, it was almost a doubling of the price at Oslo’s otherwise most expensive area, Frogner: NOK 90,000 against NOK 56,000/m2.

The Sculpture park at Tjuvholmen.

And of course, the same thing has happened here as in Grilstad Marina outside Trondheim: After an excellent, public swimming area is built close to celeber apartment buildings – almost immediately the residents start complaining about noise and garbage, trying to forbid others from using the place. You haven’t bought an expensive apartment to hear other people make noise, have you?

On Tjuvholmen, it went so far that the residents hired security guards, who sent away about 2,000 people during the summer of 2019. In a letter to the municipality, complaints were made about ‘urinating’, ‘fighting with chains’, ‘sex on the lawn’, and the Tjuvholmers referred to the whole situation as an invasion. After this, signs were put up explaining where it is allowed to swim and where it is forbidden (just as at Grilstad, they refer to the bathers’ safety in order to introduce a bathing ban).

The beach at ‘Skjæret’. Swimming allowed!

And the bath itself?

A fabulous bath in the dark, water temperature 5-6 degrees Celsius. Fresh and salt water even though it is in the city center.

We dropped the chains and behaved quite well. No guards in sight.

After a swim at Tjuvholmen, some food is just right.

Correct attire to visit ‘The Thief’?

… and if you choose ‘The Thief’ restaurant, you probably understand that the price level reflects the apartment prices in the area. Maybe you even have to beg a little to cover the expenses?

The begging thief.

Anyway, a bath at Tjuvholmen is always right!

Categorized as Oslo

Aker Brygge

On the west side of Pipervika in the Oslofjord, vis a vis Akershus Fortress, lies Aker Brygge. The area was formerly called Holmen (the Islet), where some industrial companies appeared in the early 19th century. Aker’s mechanical workshop (later also shipyard) was established at Holmen in 1854.

Aker Brygge. Stranden (the Beach) promenade.

When the workshop was closed, in 1982, the development of Aker Brygge began in four stages. Some buildings were demolished, others renovated, and the result is a grandiose meeting place for shopping, dining and entertainment. There are as many as 6,000 employees here and 900 people are residents at Aker Brygge.

The bell tower, Aker Brygge.

About 12 million people visit the area every year, and the place has become a symbol of the 1980s YAP era. We visited Aker Brygge at the beginning of December, to have a pre-Christmas bath. Here the saunas are lined up, and we ended up at KOK.

KOK. Akershus fortress in the background.

It wasn’t that simple, though, because when we arrived with our bags full of towels and swimwear, it turned out that “someone” had booked a sauna for the following day. Presumably the booking ended up on the next day because it was full – without Hunstad Booking noticing.

Aker Brygge seen from KOK. The first sauna was launched at Langkaia in 2018.

Then it was just a matter of strolling along (take this day’s bath somewhere else, which comes in an another article soon) and try again the next day. And yes! This was good stuff. We ended up on the fleet ‘Vega’. It was nice winter weather outside, but the sauna heater didn’t quite keep up, and the sauna never got more than 70 degrees Celsius. Or maybe we just didn’t put wood in the oven often enough.

Just medium cooked this time

But we had a splendid experience anyway, including a few baths in the dark – overlooked by Akershus fortress and Nesoddferga.

Most important is catching the mood! But we are considering opening the GoPro user’s manual…

A bath by Aker Brygge is just right!

Categorized as Norway, Oslo

The Axe Road

Road no. 939 over Öxi (the Axe) is a 20 km long gravel road that runs between Berufjörður and Skríðdal. This is a splendid shortcut, which shortens the distance between Djúpivogur and Egilsstaðir by 71 km.

Axarvegur and the river Berufjörðurá on the way down towards Berufjörður.

Axarvegur zigzags from the shore over the 532 m high Öxi pass, with a hight gradient of up to 20%, so you should not drive this road unless it is summer and the weather is good.

Mists in the mountains, although the weather was otherwise fine this day.

The initiator of this mountain road was Hjálmar Guðmundsson, born in 1897 in Berufjörður. Hjálmar has received a memorial plaque for his efforts.

Hjalmar Guðmundsson. Amazing what a man with an excavator can accomplish.

A good reason to choose this route (in good weather) is Folaldafoss (The Foal Waterfall), which is located 4-5 km northwest of the exit from Ringvei 1 at Berufjörður.

Folaldafoss has a nice transverse bend where it is choked in the gil.

Knut found himself a throne and was very pleased with that.

King Canute the Great, almost invisible.

Folalda Waterfall has a fantastic pool beneath it, which just calls all bathing lovers. On road 939, you are slightly off the standard route, and it wasn’t long before we were alone by the pool.

It is important to check the conditions before jumping in (and waiting for the other stupid tourists to go away)

The 3 car loads of Japanese people never left the car park, to our benefit.

Folaldafoss also goes under the label ‘Hidden gem in East Iceland’

A bath in Folaldafoss was absolutely right! But be aware, it was slippery on the bottom, so please take care.

The Nixie

The Nixie (Old English ‘Nicor’) was a water spirit in Germanic mythology and folk tales. The word originates from the Indo-European ‘neig’ = to wash. The Icelandic sagas have little content related to Nixie (Nykr) , but the Icelandic tradition has nevertheless been rich, as the high number of place names including ‘Nykr’ indicate. In Iceland, the Nixie was always a horse – with hooves pointing backwards!

From the information board at Nykurhylsfossen (the Nixie Waterfall).

The dramatic stories about the Nixie were splendid educational tools – to prevent children from going too close to the water and drown. The Nixie was connected to rivers and lakes. If anyone dared to ride the Nixie, they would drown. The sounds that occur in wintertime from the ice on lakes were explained as Nixie’s mournful cries.

Berufjörður at sunset.

In Fossardalur (the Waterfall Valley) northwest of Djúpivogur (the Deep Inlet) there are vast opportunities for bathing. It is said that you can find 30 waterfalls in the valley! We planned a bath in Nykurhylsfossen, which is the lowest one, but that was easier said than done. The waterfall wasn’t easily accessible.

Nykurhylsfossen. The water flow has varied between 8 and 395 (!) m3/s.

Below Nykurhylsfossen, on the other hand, there is a large and beautiful pool where you can both bathe and swim. The depth is 9 meters. So why not just jump in instead of slowly wading out into it?

Diving in

Unfortunately without a waterfall shower, and without the view of the waterfall.

No Nixie in sight

According to tradition, a Nixie lived in this river. After being frightened and tormented by Nixie for a long time, the village people took action, and the pond under the waterfall was Christianized with holy water. The holy water made the pool uninhabitable for Nixie, and it ran screaming into the fjord and disappeared, never to return again. However, history says nothing about how the fjord Berufjörður turned out after this. Strange.

A bath in the sink

Geothermal energy can be defined as geothermal heat (jarðhiti) that reaches the earth’s surface. Where volcanic activity is high, porous rocks are formed, which allow water to flow in and heat.

‘Stairway to Hell’, Reykjanes.    

Geothermal energy can be utilized directly by heating, or for electricity production or both.

Boiling water in the ‘Geysir Area’.

A distinction is made between hot springs, mud springs and sulfur springs. Iceland has hot springs almost everywhere – the fewest in the east and northwest – the oldest parts of the country. Highest geothermal activity is found between the continental plates, in the fissures that run over Iceland from southwest to northeast.

Sulfur vapor by Mývatn.

A Google search shows that Iceland has more than 200 baths. Divided by 350,000 inhabitants, you get the highest density of bathing facilities in the world. This is not only good for hygiene and exercise. For Icelanders, bathing is an essential part of the culture, and the baths are important meeting places.

For the traveling tourist – just let yourself get carried away! You can find hot springs almost anywhere. One hot pot we were really fascinated by was the ‘Sink at Djúpivogur’. Drive south of the city, and just off Highway 1 you will find ‘Djúpavogskörin’, a hot pot that looks like a sink.

A bath in the sink, Djúpivogur.

There is no fancy spa equipment out there, but you can actually find hooks for the clothes. The water is wonderful (quite warm), and the panorama is absolutely fantastic. This is a marvelous experience! NB, there are no signs, look for the steam!

A bath in the sink is always right.

Gamla Stan

Stockholm lies on both sides of the outlet of Lake Mälaren, as well as 19 islands. Due to its proximity to water and all the bridges, the city is often called the ‘Venice of the North’. The origin of the name Stockholm (Timber Islet) has not been fully agreed upon. It comes either from the collection of timber by the islets between lake Mälaren and the Salt Lake (Baltic Sea), or because the oldest settlement was secured with timber palisades.

Gamla Stan (the Old Town).

The old town in Stockholm is called Gamla Stan and is located on Stadsholmen (the City Islet). The streets from the Middle Ages are beautifully curved in the terrain, with narrow alleys down towards the sea. It’s beautiful here!

View towards the sea.

After visiting the many small shops in Gamla Stan, it is a good idea to ‘fika’. The word originated as a backslang of the word ‘kaffi’, i.e. the letters were interchanged. A fika is a pause in work that typically consists of coffee, coffee bread and a relaxing conversation. These breaks are part of the paid working time and were mandatory for factory workers in the old days. The idea was that a break would give the laborers new energy in their work, and that the coffee conversation would ‘force them’ to get to know each other. Surely a very good thought!

Old town. On a daily basis, it might be better ‘to have coffee without wine’?

After a fika, a bath is just right. We went northwards from Stadsholmen across Helgeandsholmen (island of the Holy Spirit). The name comes from the Helgeanshuset (the Holy Spirit Hospital) that was located there in the Middle Ages. Helgeandsholmen is 3 hectares in size, of which the Riksdagshuset (the Parliament) covers one hectare.

The propeller ban by the Parliament (Riksdagen) did not bother us.

There is quite a lot of current by the Riksdag. This was too risky for us, so we didn’t swim there.

Too much current downstream of Norrbron (the North Bridge).

But at Vasabron we found a backwater with no current, perfect for a bath. The water in the canal was not disgusting at all – considering Stockholm’s 1.5 million inhabitants. It was quite shallow and an easy access at our bathing place, and a lot of sea grass. This autumn, Knut has had back problems and basically was happy to avoid extra challenges with climbing out of the water.

Stockholm (almost) by night

And we were not alone! A swan mother came swimming to us just after the bath. Angry or hungry? It is hard to say. Luckily we didn’t have to fight her in the water.

The Mermaid and the Swan

To round this off, we even could check out a little culture in form of a sculpture.

Vinden och Vågen (The Wind and the Wave)…and the photo bomber

It was a fantastic bath at sunset. As usual, we were very worried about being rescued. But there were no problems. The Stockholmer’s took our bath with stoic calm, and only wondered a little about the temperature. And after the bath – the hotel’s sauna was just perfect.