Bonfire house bath at Senja

North east on Senja (Norway’s second largest island) there is a cape and close to it a hillside with a chip in it (chip – skår, hillside – li, cape – odde: Skorliodden). It is a good view to the seaway in to Tromsø, which means it is a good place for a fort. Skorliodden fort was put up by the Norwegian Defence Forces with pre-german materials. The fort is now gone, but the pier is still there.

The weather forecast predicted some wind this day, so instead of the planned kayak-tour we went for a walk to watch the waves.

No, this hunt was only for pictures and baths. No rules broken.

We parked at Vangshamn and went by foot out to the fort, a nice half hour walk. And plenty of time to look forward to a bath in the extremely clear water!

Clear as can be!

From Skorliodden you see over the fjord towards Kvaløya wind mill park. Doesn’t look too bad, considering there are still plenty of untouched mountains left in Troms and Finnmark.

Inga enjoys her freedom. Kvaløya in the background.

On Skorliodden they have made a bonfire house after plans from Furøy Velforening. It is rather windy out on the cape, so some shelter is rather welcome.

Skorliodden bonfire house. Soon also with panorama windows.
Hot dogs in focus. Comfortable in the bonfire house on Skorliodden! Photo: Ulrike Naumann.

After food it was time for a bath, but strangely enough no one else than Idun and Knut wanted to have one. Most were happy just walking along the pier and looking at the waves. No closeup studies wanted.

Windy on the pier. Photo: Ulrike Naumann.

Quote from big brother: ‘’If you give me 50 kr, I’m happy to deny you to bathe today!’’. An offer we easily could refuse, who can withstand such a tempting bathing spot?

What will I see – over the giant waves? Photo: Ulrike Naumann.
Skorliodden wave pool. Photo: Ulrike Naumann.

They waves weren’t as big as expected though. So then we could return to the bonfire house.

Chilly and nice at Skorliodden. Photo: Ulrike Naumann.

It is always a good time for a bath at Senja!

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