Island hopping and bathing

After some time mostly spent indoors because of bad weather and corona, it was time for a new bathing adventure. The bicycle trip to Ørlandet was a success last time, so we wanted to follow up with the same starting point. What could go wrong? Well, a flat tire before we got to the boat quickly answered that question. Luckily, this time we hadn’t cut the time too sharp, so we still came in time for the boat.

The guy who reached the boat with a flat tire.

It is okay to bring bicycles on the boat, but be warned: Bicycle trailers are specifically not allowed! After arrival Knut got the bike fixed in a bike shop (the repair kit existed only on the packing list, not in the backpack). The repair man wasn’t in, but came after a few minutes anyway, when the problem was explained. Thank you!

From Brekstad there are 10 km to the ferry port of Garten. A nice and flat bicycle trip, but it is in it’s place to point out that Ørlandet is always windy! This time mostly from the side, so not too discouraging for bikers.

The map of Ørlandet shows it laying at the opening of the Trondheimfjord, with a form like the Italian boot, only opposite. The tip of the boot kicks the little island Garten away, but they are kept together by a bridge.

Middle left is Garten, to the right of it Storfosna.

From Garten there is an hourly ferry to the island Storfosna. Storfosna is 11 km2 and has approximately 100 inhabitants. They are well used to bicycle tourists on the ferry, but the ferry guy commented that we were the first in 2022. And oddly enough also the first bathing tourists this year…

The name Fosen comes from the Norse word ‘fólgsn’ = hiding place. This reflects the well protected bay between Storfosna and the peninsula Fosenheia, which later gave name to the whole peninsula Fosenhalvøya (The Fosen peninsula).

The bay at Storfosna gave good protection against weather and enemies.

Further south, there is a similar, smaller hiding place: Lille-Fosen. Since 1742 it has been called Kristiansund. The stone age period Fosnakulturen has its name from Lille-Fosen, but is not a topic in today’s article.

Storfosen manor is well known from the 12th century. It is one of the largest in Trøndelag and formerly belonged to the crown. The farm was under Austrått for a long time, and “Lady Inger” lived here from 1524, as a widow.

Storfosna manor has an area of 4440 decare.

Storfosna has plenty of lovely beaches, but in the bay they are mostly very shallow. Idun still wanted a bath in the proper “hiding space”, so we walked down to the water from the chuch. Here we found beautiful, white sand and crystal clear water, but the tide was low and the water too shallow for a swim. So we walked on onto a small peninsula and found a boat house made of stone and concrete, a perfect bath house of the day! It reminded us of the halfway buried turf houses on Iceland.

Well camuflaged boat house on Storfosna.

The boat house shielded us from the wind and was a comfortable place to change for a swim with a view!

Swim with a view.

A selfie is always required, this time with the manor behind us and the boat house to the left of the picture.

Local spa facilities!

And after the bath the mandatory hot chocolate and some Eddie.

Changing hiding place in the big hiding place.

A great bath! The weather changes quickly in Trøndelag, but Ørlandet this day really outdid itself, the weather never was stable for more than 10 minutes! Back on the bikes after the bath, the hail came horizontally right in our faces.

Knut looks forward to bicycling in the hailstorm.

The bike ride offered lots of bird life: Swans, seagulls, cormorants, eagles… In Ørlandet there are several bird protectorats, so be aware of limited access in the hatching period!

Deer on the road. More precisely right behind the road. And one behind the road sign.

The big population of deer on Storfosna gave us a nice surprise at sunset. Bicycling, island hopping and bathing on Ørlandet is hereby recommended!

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