Storsand twilight zone

The winter wonderland of january was supposed to be visited by the extreme weather named Gyda. Getting a nice winter bath before the storm was urgent. We packed our bags early in the morning, so we got time to visit Storsand (the Big Beach) in Malvik after work.

Storsand farm main house in Malvik

The Storsand farm main house is like a fairytale castle, squeezed in between the old E6 road and the railroad track heading east from Trondheim. The main house is unlike the typical regional “Trønderlåna” houses. New owners, from Trondheim city, wanted the farm to have more of a mansion feeling to it. Quite successful, we think.

Inspiration from Trondheim can also be seen in the railroad bridge on the farms grounds, a copy of “The Old City Bridge” in Trondheim, also called “The portal of happiness”. Nice touch!

Storsand Old City Bridge
Moon light on the Old City Bridge

Even though the moon was only 3/4, it looks full on the pictures. You need a better camera and a flash to get a nice moon and people in the same picture, it seems.

Storsand Camping is well arranged, with a playing ground, ball playing areas, a barbecue fireplace and most of what you need for a day at the beach with or without kids. The activity in january is rather low, though, we recommend going in season, which at Storsand starts in May.

No campers to be seen here in january – 2022.

There were no paying guests to be seen on the pier. No other guests at all, actually.

The pier on Storsand. Signs say private, only for paying guests.

Thus the population density on the beach this day was something we could live with. Their loss, it was a really nice day! The water in January is clear as glass, the temperature slightly below 4 degrees Celsius and a wide, lovely beach to bathe from. The Big Beach deserves it’s name!

The moon shines on eastern Storsand.

When you go out into the water, it is steep enough that you don’t have to walk miles to be able to swim. If just splashing around gets too boring, you can swim around the pier or out to the tiny island.

Storsand at sunset.

We didn’t swim to the island this time, though. Without a boat to follow us, it was too cold and too dark.

Storsand Pier

We didn’t even swim around or under the Pier. But Knut tested his newest thingy for the GoPro, a big dome, making it easier to get pictures under and over the water at the same time. Cool effect! GoPro in the dark wasn’t too impressive, however, the pictures got blurry while splashing around.

Testing the dome for under/over water pictures

The standing pads were there, as planned. But in the lack of blackcurrant juice, the person in charge of hot drinks tried a 15 year old straight-in-the-cup tomato soup, dug out from the inner corners of our kitchen closets. Not very successful, from a culinary point of view.

Well at home, with the absence of our beloved friend “Eddie” (a liquor called “Gammel Dansk”), the Tindved liquor from the berry picking of our bath trip to Ørlandet was brought forward. It tasted very…eeeh…strong. Maybe just as well we didn’t spend hours picking more than the 50g we brought home.

Tindved liquor in the glass and a fire in the fireplace and you get warm in no time

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