
Grythølsfossen, Grythølsfossen, where art thou? After we in our previous post found a waterfall right by the road along Nordelva, we weren’t quite convinced this was Grythølsfossen. We had time and decided to drive a little further. Until the road was not a road any more.

So off we went by foot. After a while we realized there was no waterfall in sight down that way, only small rapids and some quiet side areas. We turned around.

Back at the car we suddenly saw a sign pointing to “Grythølen” (The Cauldron pit)! And just a couple of hundred meters down we found this Eldorado:

But can we take a bath here? The sign says: “Fly fishing only”!

On the other hand: they have put up a nice little shed for changing? So if we pretend to fish flies while we are bathing it must be OK?

Right in front of the shed there was a little bay where the stream didn’t seem too strong, so we decided to try. Veeery careful, but as the picture shows: someone really wanted to just dive in.

In the end, both of us got in:

Not a good bathing spot for families with children!

The discussion whether swimming closer to the waterfall would have been safe, is still ongoing as a theoretical discussion at home. We do not recommend trying! Still a great experience, even with only this little dip. We could feel the powers of the stream!

Finally a little video, showing the flow and powers of the stream:

This was an example of an experience we never had found, if not for our little bathing project! Neither this waterfall, the mini-Dynjandi in the previous article or the road leading down to these are on the map. Asking the locals is often a good idea!

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